Analyzing data with Python using NumPy and Pandas

Target Audience



Course Format



  1. Development environments
    • VS Code vs PyCharm vs Jupyter notebook
    • Jupyter lab and Jupyter notebook
  2. NumPy
    • NumPy arrays - vectors and matrices
    • Data types
    • Operations on arrays without writing loops
    • Working with external data (Excel, CSV, images)
    • Selecting data with boolean indexing
    • Sorting, searching, filtering and retrieving data
  3. Pandas
    • Series, an extension on NumPy arrays
    • DataFrame representing a table of data
  4. Working with Pandas
    • Loading and saving data (Excel, CSV)
    • Understanding the basics about the data
    • Filtering data by rows and columns
    • Working with strings
    • Filtering data while loading it to allow to handle huge data-files.
  5. Indexes
    • Indexing and multi-level indexing
    • Stacking and unstacking, and melting.
    • Pivot tables
  6. Aggregate functionality
    • Grouping
    • Sorting
    • Joining
    • Combining data frames
  7. Other
    • Categorizing data
    • Working with date/time data
    • Visualization of data with Pandas and other tools
    • Pandas and reducing memory usage


Contact: Gabor Szabo
Phone: +972-54-4624648